最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
23.4 Why did the author stop when he finally found a public call box?____(2分)
Because he found it was not a public call box.
Because it was used by someone else.
Because it was broken.
Because he has his car repaired.
40. ItCanBe inferred from the passage theAuthor is probably____.
Without the Communist Party ,there new China(1分)
22.2 By saying “it can also be misapplied”(Par 1),the author means .(2分)
27. The boatman was willing to take Robin across the river because____.
3. A. again B. never C. even D. ever
Due to_____population growth, this country is badly in need of manpower.(1分)
2.A railroad was being built all the way down the east coast off Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami and Negro workers were employed because they were cheap. A great many of them were in Daytona. Most of them had children. They were living in shacks worse than those in The Terry in Augusta. The children were running wild in the streets. Mary Bethune seemed to hear a voice say, "What is the place? Build your school there."Her husband, Albertus, wasn't so sure about her school. He thought Palatka was a pretty good place for them to live. Mary listened but she never gave up her idea. She knew that if she went to Daytona, Albertus would come too.One day she begged a ride for herself and her little boy with a family that was going to Daytona. It was only seventy miles away. But in 1904 the sand was deep on Florida roads. Practically no one had an automobile -- certainly not the poor family that gave Mary and little Albert a ride. So it was three dusty days after they left Palatka before they reached Daytona. There Mary hunted up the only person she knew, and she and little Albert stayed with this friend for a few days.As she had done in The Terry in Augusta, Mary walked up and down the poor streets of Daytona. She was looking for two things -- a building for the school she was determined to start and some pupils for that school.After a day or two, she found an empty shack on Oak Street. She thought this would do. The owner said she could rent it for $11.00 a month. But it wasn't worth that much. The paint had peeled off, the front steps wobbled so that she had to hang onto the shaky railing to keep from falling, the house was dirty, it had a leaky roof. In most of the windows the panes of glass were broken or cracked.Eleven dollars a month ! Mary said she only had Times="10".50. She promised to pay the rent as soon as she could earn the money. The owner trusted her. By the time she was sure she could have the building, she had five little girls from the neighborhood as her pupils.What a school! A rickety old house and five little girls! The little girls pitched in and cleaned the house. The neighbors helped with scrubbing brushes, brooms, hammers, nails, and saws. Soon the cottage could be lived in, but there were no chairs, no tables, no beds. There was no stove. However, there were no pots and pans to cook in, even if there had been a stove.Mary set about changing these things. She found things in trash piles and the city dump. Nobody but Mary would have thought of making tables and chairs and desks from the old crates she picked up and brought home. Behind the hotels on the beach she found cracked dishes, old lamps, even some old clothes. She took them home too. Everything was scoured and mended and used. "Keep things clean and neat" was her motto then; and as long as she lived the pupils in her school had to live up to that motto.Her little pupils had no pencils. They wrote with pieces of charcoal made from burned logs. Their ink was elderberry juice. What good was ink or a pencil if there was no paper to write on? Mary took care of that too.Every time she went to the store to get a little food, or a few pots and pans, she had each article wrapped separately. The pieces of wrapping paper were carefully removed and smoothed out. The little girls used this paper to write their lessons with their charcoal pencils.She needed a cookstove very badly but she couldn't pay for one. What should she do? Her little pupils had to have warm food.Unexpectedly, the problem was solved for her. One day a wrinkled old white neighbor said to her, "Can you read?"Mary said, "Yes.""Then will you read me this letter from my son? I can't find my glasses."Mary read the letter to her."Thanks," said the mother.Mary turned to go. "You're welcome."The old woman stood by her open door and thought a moment. Then she said, "I got an old cookstove and I don't need it. Would you want it?"(5分)2.1How did Mary's husband, Albertus feel about going to Daytona?____(1分)A.He was strongly in favour.B.He was quite reluctant.C. He was definitely against it.D.He was not happy about the idea.
3.4 The article does not say whether the scientists’ experiments with dogs have ________.(1分)
I was so excited at the news that l was admitted to the university that I could hardly ____________my feelings in words.(1分)
23.Plants bring life and color into the home and require little in the way of maintenance. Follow these simple tips and your plants should thrive.Look for the best place in the house for each plant, and don't be afraid to try different locations until you find the best spot. If a room seems too dark to sustain a healthy plant, don't be fooled. Most indoor plants originate in tropical and subtropical regions, in particular equatorial forests, and they thrive in dim environments and filtered light. The ideal spot is in front of a large window facing east or west, filtered if necessary through a net scrim curtain. If you have a plant that thrives on lots of sun, place it on a windowsill facing north or north-east. Check soil moisture levels regularly and inspect the leaves to check they are not being burned. At the slightest sign of withering, move the plant towards the middle of the room. Water poured directly onto the soil may flood, or not reach the pot plant's roots. Instead, water plants bottom up by standing them in a dish and filling the dish with water. Delicate plants such as fuchsias thrive on this method. For this method to work, all pots should have holes in the bottom through which the water is absorbed. If you don't want your plant to die of heat or cold, avoid placing it in draughty areas or near ducted heat or air-conditioning outlets. Water your plants only when the potting mix feels dry to the touch — over watering is often the cause of indoor plant death. Check by pushing your finger into the soil; if it comes out without any trace of soil on it, start watering. Remember that plants may need more frequent watering in summer. Most indoor plants benefit from an occasional misting of water. Make sure the water is at room temperature and use an atomizer or spray bottle. Misting is particularly beneficial if you live in a centrally heated or air-conditioned house as the air can become very dry.23.1 If a room seems too dark to sustain a plant, people should____.A.look for another room for indoor plantsB.only keep plants that originate in tropical areasC.still try to find ideal spot for indoor plants in the roomD.give up the idea of keeping indoor plants
25.垄断资本主义为向社会主义过渡准备的物质基础是( )
11、2005年7月7月,伦敦“连环爆炸案”被《时代》周刊评为2005年最佳图片,这组照片拍摄的方法是( )