最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
6. (A)good (B)well (C)better (D)bad
21. Today we remember a man who was considered one of the best teachers in the United States. Jaime Alfonso Escalante was born in 1930 in La Paz, Bolivia. Both his parents were teachers. He taught math and science in his home country for twelve years. In the 1960s, Jaime Escalante and his wife Fabiola came to the United States. During the next several years, he learned to speak English and repeated his college education and teacher training. In 1974, Mr. Escalante was hired at GarfieldHigh School to teach mathematics. The school was in a poor area of Los Angeles, California. Many of the students had serious problems with illegal drugs, gangs and violence. Many were the worst students at the school and thought to be “unteachable”. But Mr. Escalante pushed the group to work hard. He told them basic math was too easy and that they had the ability to do harder work. He told his students that he believed in them, but they must have the desire to be successful. Jaime Escalante started an advanced math program with a small group of students. Advanced Placement is a program of college-level classes and tests. In 1982, 18 of his students took the Advanced Placement test in calculus. They all passed. Officials at the testing company suspected the students of cheating. Mr. Escalante protested. He said the students were being rejected because they were Hispanic and from a poor school. He urged his students to take the test again. Twelve of the students repeated the test. And again, all of them passed. Five earned top scores. Mr. Escalante's students went on to become engineers, scientists and university professors. The advanced math program at Garfield became extremely successful over the next several years. Jaime Escalante received many teaching awards including the Presidential Medal of Excellence in Education. A movie about his success, “Stand and Deliver”, was released in nineteen eighty-eight. It influenced other teachers to use his methods.(10分)21.1 What did Mr. Escalante do after he came to the US?(2分)A. He taught math and science in a local school.B. He went to a college to learn calculus.C. He learned to speak English and got trained on teaching.D. He started an advanced math program in a college.
3. No one knows why we sleep, but it’s certain that we need to. People who are prevented from sleeping begin to suffer obvious effect after a few days --- they think less clearly, and they fall asleep during the working hours. Some may have hallucinations (幻觉).There are no rules about sleep. Generally speaking, grown-ups sleep about seven and a half hours each night and probably more than 60 percent get between seven and eight hours. But perhaps eight percent are quite happy with five hours or less, and four percent or so find that they want ten hours or more. If you feel all right, you’re probably getting enough sleep. The important thing is not to worry how much other people get --- their needs may be different. Exercise doesn’t seem to increase the need for sleep, office workers, for example, sleep for about as long as people doing physically active work.Children sleep more than grown-ups --- perhaps fourteen to eighteen hours soon after birth, going down to grown-up levels by early teen-age. Sleep patterns also tend to be different in the elderly, who may sleep less at night than they did when younger. They find sleep getting more broken, and often make it a rule to sleep during the daytime.(5分)3.1 According to the passage, some people are unable to think clearly because ________.(1分)A. they have hallucinationsB. they sleep for too many hoursC. they don’t have enough sleepD. they feel sleepy during the working hours
6. (A)crops (B)vegetable (C)fruit (D)flowers
Jim _______ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned mE.(1分)
By the time the fire engines arrived, the tall building ______ to the ground.(1分)
4. British Columbia is the third largest Canadian province, both in area and population. It is nearly 1 1/2 times as large as Texas, and extends 800 miles (1,280 km) north from the United States' border. It includes Canada's entire west coast and the islands just off the coast.Most of British Columbia is mountainous, with long, rugged (崎岖的) ranges running north and south. Even the coastal islands are the remains of a mountain range that existed thousands of years ago. During the last Ice Age, this range was scoured (冲刷) by glaciers (冰河) until most of it was beneath the sea. Its peaks now show as islands scattered along the coast.The southwestern coastal region has a humid mild marine climate. Sea winds that blow inland from the west are warmed by a current of warm water that flows through the Pacific Ocean. As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild. These warm western winds also carry moisture from the ocean.Inland from the coast, the winds from the Pacific meet the mountain barriers of the coastal ranges and the Rocky Mountains. As they rise to cross the mountains, the winds are cooled, and their moisture begins to fall as rain. On some of the western slopes almost 200 inches (500 cm) of rain fall each year.More than half of British Columbia is heavily forested. On mountain slopes that receive plentiful rainfall, huge Douglas firs (冷杉) rise in towering columns. These forest giants often grow to be as much as 300 feet (90 m) tall, with diameters up to 10 feet (3 m). More lumber is produced from these trees than from any other kind of trees in North America. Hemlock (铁杉), red cedar (雪松), and balsam fir are among the other trees found in British Columbia.36. With which aspect of British Columbia is the passage primarily concerned?____A. Its people.B. Its culture.C. Its geography.D. Its history.
7. A. to not answer B. to answer not C. not to answer D. to answer no
_____he says or does won't make me change my mind at all.
If the plane ______ late, you _______ inform the hotel about your arriving time.(1分)
I feel _______ to say that I can not believe what he said.(0.5分)
10.16 世纪末,伽利略通过在比萨斜塔所做的自由落体实验,推翻了亚里士多德关于物体的降落速度与物体的重量成正比的说法。这件事说明( )
1980年5月,中共中央决定在深圳等地设立 ( )
我国《婚姻法》规定,如夫妻感情确已破裂,调解无效,应准予离婚。夫妻感情是否确已 破裂的判断因素有
About a hundred years ago, as a result of its imperialist expansion, Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world’s people ______ of the world’s larea.A.halfB.one thirdC.one fourthD.one fifth