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[单选题]21.Special education, as its name suggests, is a specialized branch of education. Special educators teach those students who have physical, cognitive, language, learning, sensory, and/or emotional abilities that deviate from those of the general population. Special educators provide instruction specifically tailored to meet individualized needs, making education available to students who otherwise would have limited access to education. In 2001, special education in the United States was serving over five million students.
Although federally mandated special education is relatively new in the United States, students with disabilities have been present in every era and in every society. Historical records have consistently documented the most severe disabilities — those that transcend task and setting. Itard's description of the wild boy of Aveyron documents a variety of behaviors consistent with both mental retardation (智力迟钝) and behavioral disorders. Reports about abnormal behavior in the Nineteenth-century also describe issues about severe mental retardation or autism(自闭症). Milder forms of disability became apparent only after the advent of universal public education. When literacy became a goal for all children, teachers began observing disabilities specific to task and setting — that is, less severe disabilities.   
After decades of research and legislation, special education now provides services to students with varying degrees and forms of disabilities, including mental retardation, emotional disturbance, learning disabilities, speech-language disabilities, impaired hearing and deafness, low vision and blindness, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, and severe and multiple disabilities.

21.1  Which of the following can NOT be considered as “severe disabilities”?
A.Disabilities specific to task and setting.
B.Mental retardation.
C.Behavioral disorders.
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
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