最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
23.2 The first paragraph mainly discusses ________.(2分)
what role dogs play to human beings
when dogs like to take care of children
what way dogs choose to work hard
how dogs become the best friend of man
My house is very____ for getting to work as it is only a few minutes from the station.
I would have paid _______ for my new dress if the salesman had insisted, because I loved it at the first sight.(1分)
The new library _______ we visited yesterday is very modern.(1分)
23. Connection is a powerful tool helping you learn better. Using connection, you need to take information and connect it to images, examples and things you already understan However, as a skill, this takes some time to develop and it often fails when you face very hard material, and it can also be misapplied,particularly if it’s used as a direct replacement for practice. Here are some ways I’ve used it:While learning Chinese, I would recognize the radicals (部首)of the characters and try to form a mental picture either with those radicals or the character meaning or the pronunciation, or all three. While studying international business law in France, I used the link and peg (挂钩)method to link the date and place of a particular treaty(协约)which was signed to the name of the treaty. While studying accounting, when I couldn’t remember a rule, I’d make a mental image that encapsulated (概述)it. While learning biology, whenever I couldn’t remember a chemical, I made a list of its properties (性能),turned those properties into images and linked that to the way the name sounds.When you’re trying to memorize a lot of information that isn’t well connected, focus on quick and loose images that will help you translate the information, even if they don’t represent it well.(10分)23.1 What the author is talking about in this passage is .(2分)A. a tool which helps you do reading betterB. a method which helps you learn better C. a tool which helps you do accounting betterD. a method which helps you do chemical experiment better
21. There is no doubt that new technologies will also play an important role in language teaching in the twenty-first century. Indeed, the use of technology in foreign language learning has constituted another important revolutionary movement in our discipline (学科)in the last half of the twentieth century. Although it has clearly not been a methodological revolution,technological innovation has played an important role in the recent history of language teaching and is bound to have a profound effect on the way that languages are taught in the future. Beginning with the introduction of filmstrips, audiotapes, and language labs in “direct method” and “audiolingual” classroom over forty years ago, technological innovation has moved from the increased use of cassette tapes, videotapes, and overhead projectors and cameras in the past several decades to the introduction of CD-ROMs and the Internet in the 1990s. The possibilities for computer-enhanced language teaching have most recently been explored in distance education programs as well as in the use of local area networks, computer-assisted reading programs, and web-based classroom activities.Though the use of technology is nothing new in foreign language teaching, its exact role in the curriculum is still being assessed and questioned, particularly in light of the rapidly changing nature of technological aids to instruction. Rather than seeing technology as just another ancillary (助手) to be added to our teaching devices, we need to evaluate its potential for enhancing classroom learning as well as for facilitating (使……便利)student-centered, independent learning outside the classroom. In using technological aids and computer-mediated (计算机为中介的)materials in instruction, we also need to bear in mind the level of proficiency of our students and their ability to benefit from the materials that can be used for them. The use of authentic materials is going to be discussed in more detail in a later section of this chapter and in subsequent chapters.(10分)21.1 This passage is mainly about____.(2分)A. the role technology plays in foreign language learningB. the role technology plays in foreign language teachingC. the role computer plays in language learning and language teachingD. the role technology plays in foreign language learning and teaching
Among the plays being presented _______ written by William Shakespeare.(1分)
4. Present pension structures no longer work. They were established in a more youthful period with relatively few older people who were often poor and iii, and generally spent only a short time in retirement. In rich countries today, older people are often well-off and in good health, and are spending around 20 years in retirement. Therefore there is the need for reform.This survey has presented the arguments for more private funding and for fairer pensions. Such changes will create motives for individuals to take charge of their own retirement needs rather than leaving the task to the state. This, in turn, will make the provision of public pensions more afford- able.Even so, the state will continue to play a leading role in pensions. At a minimum, governments must offer a safety net, probably in the form of a defined benefit financed through taxation, for people who for some reason have not been able to provide for themselves and who would otherwise be miserable in old age. More broadly, there is a case for the state to offer a slimmed-down pay-as-you-go pension system, although as far as possible this should be organized along defined-contributions lines. Such provision widens the range of assets to include human capital because the effective return comes from total wages, and offers a safe if low return.Governments also have to create a suitable framework for effective private pensions. Administrative(行政的)expenses have to be tightly controlled, and appropriate tax motives have to be offered to encourage voluntary pension saving. Where the state provides a generous safety net, private-pension saving may have to be made mandatory(强制的), otherwise many people will not bother.So much for the developed countries, but what of the more youthful populations of tile rest of the world? In 1994, the World Bank came down heavily in favor of more funding in private accounts. It thought the state's role should be to provide a smallish first pillar with the limited task of providing protection against old-age poverty, and to command a privately-funded second pillar to provide the bulk of pensions.(5分)4.1 More private funding and fairer pensions____.(1分)A. can urge people to save more private-pensionsB. may be financed through taxC. can lessen the burden of the stateD. can provide more public pensions
3. (A)stopped (B)offered (C)came (D)asked
22.There is no doubt that new technologies will also play an important role in language teaching in the twenty-first century. Indeed, the use of technology in foreign language learning has constituted another important revolutionary movement in our discipline (学科)in the last half of the twentieth century. Although it has clearly not been a methodological revolution,technological innovation has played an important role in the recent history of language teaching and is bound to have a profound effect on the way that languages are taught in the future. Beginning with the introduction of filmstrips, audiotapes, and language labs in “direct method” and “audiolingual” classroom over forty years ago, technological innovation has moved from the increased use of cassette tapes, videotapes, and overhead projectors and cameras in the past several decades to the introduction of CD-ROMs and the Internet in the 1990s. The possibilities for computer-enhanced language teaching have most recently been explored in distance education programs as well as in the use of local area networks, computer-assisted reading programs, and web-based classroom activities.Though the use of technology is nothing new in foreign language teaching, its exact role in the curriculum is still being assessed and questioned, particularly in light of the rapidly changing nature of technological aids to instruction. Rather than seeing technology as just another ancillary (助手) to be added to our teaching devices, we need to evaluate its potential for enhancing classroom learning as well as for facilitating (使……便利)student-centered, independent learning outside the classroom. In using technological aids and computer-mediated (计算机为中介的)materials in instruction, we also need to bear in mind the level of proficiency of our students and their ability to benefit from the materials that can be used for them. The use of authentic materials is going to be discussed in more detail in a later section of this chapter and in subsequent chapters.(10分)22.1 This passage is mainly about____.(2分)A. the role technology plays in foreign language learningB. the role technology plays in foreign language teachingC. the role computer plays in language learning and language teachingD. the role technology plays in foreign language learning and teaching
The local government has been accused of not responding to the needs of the homeless in the flood-stricken area.(1分)
测量血压时,听诊的动脉为( )
2.3 Why, according to the passage, did ancient Chinese coins have a square hole in the center?(2分)