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68. 乘车、登机、坐船时主动购票,自觉排队;出行时自觉遵守交通规则,不闯红灯;在图书馆、影剧院不抽烟,不喧哗吵闹。这是人们在社会生活中应当遵循的:( )(2分)
Directions. In this pat there are four passages. Fach passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements.For cach of them, there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding ltter on the Answer Sheet with a single linc through the center.Passage 1Most American people hate repeating the same work endlessly, cspecially those who live in West America. Theytry their best to make their life colorful and their work intersting If they have to do the same regular work, theyll tryto do it in diferent ways. Repetition and monotony (单调) are what they can't stand.In the West of America, there is a beauiful old mountain village which is well known for its straw hats. Thewllagers there can make different styles of hats-hats for old gentlemen, for sweet and playful children,and forbeautiful young ladis. People ofien go there to buy hats.One day there came a young tourit who entered a hat shop and found a very nice hat that cost five dollars. Hesaid to the shop-keeper, "If you agree to sell ata cheaper price, rd like to buy two hundred hats of this style." "No, youshould pay me at least ten dllas cach ifyou wish to get so many hats of the same style.""How's thar?" The tourist could not understand."Well," sid the shop-keeper. "Ir you buy only one hat of this style, Ican make in casily. I you order two hundredhats of diferent styles. I can also manage the business without much dificulty. However, it will almost bors me 1odcah if you want me to make two hundred hats of the same style. So at least you pay me double price."
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