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Mr. Bergsten said he saw little evidence of a strategy,except for a desire to mollify these industries powerful congressional protectors.
a bullyb angerc relieved Frighten
In this project everybody does his own share of the work.( ) A. participation B. portion C. promotion D. production
passage 1 The company’s new formula was designed partly to keep Coke’s sales growing overseas. Compared with Americans, who guzzle more soda than water, the rest of world is still in the sipping stage. Coca-Cola’s goal is to kick up its slowing growth rate outside the U.S. from about 3% a year to 10%. Company executives think a less filling, more “guzzleable” new Coke will help. Domestically, sales of soft drinks have been bubbling a long nicely. They grew 6% last year, vs. 2% to 3% a few years ago. But the cola makers may experience more growing pains, at least with the high-calorie colas that acfor half of all sales (diet colas hold about 12%). Baby-boomers are showing a strong preference for healthier, less fattening drinks as they age-every-thing from diet soda to bottled water to fruit juice.36.What is the difference between “guzzle” “ sip” in meaning?37.What does “less filling” mean?38.Could you tell the reason why there is a slow increase of high-calorie-cola sales?
Passage 1 In April, the EC imposed a ban on livestock, meat dairy products from 18 eastern countries following an outbreak of hoof mouth disease in Croatia. Hungarian Foreign Minister Geza Jeszenszky told EC leaders that the “entirely unwarranted (move) smacks of a most regrettable survival of the notion of an Eastern bloc.” The EC followed with antidumping duties “voluntary” export restraints on certain steel products from Hungary Poland. just days after signing the EFTA free trade agreement in early April, Austria introduced import quotas on chemicals, cement agricultural machinery, steel from Eastern Europe. West Europeans claim that their eastern neighbors have an unfair advantage because of low wages, state subsidies low environmental standards. Although the EC EFTA agreements are supposed to lift tariffs trade barriers on most industrial goods over 10 years, most agricultural products are not included in the agreements. This is critical for Hungary, with its extensive farm sector. “The EC is never going to let Hungary achieve its potential output,” says Iowa David Andres, who has studied Hungarian agriculture firsth,” They’re already afraid of Hungary.”Statements: 42. “In April, the EC imposed a ban on livestock, meat, dairy products from 18 eastern countries following an outbreak of hoof mouth, disease in Croatia.” Here imposed a ban means shut out imports. ( ) 43. With the EC EFTA agreements, there will hardly be any improvement in exports of Eastern Europe’s agricultural products. ( )44.The EC EFTA agreements will let Hungary achieve its agricultural potential output. 45.There will be a lot of improvement in exports of Eastern Europe’s products except agricultural products. ( ) 46.The EC EFTA agreements are supposed to lift tariffs trade barriers on all the products over 10 years. ( )
preferential tax rate
The government decided to slash its tariff by 25 percent. A. reduce drastically B. divide C. increase D. raise
Officials say that this trade policy overhaul will help the economy. A. catch B. examination C. thorough change D. stop
trade fairs exhibitions
Passage 2 The past thirty years have seen a dramatic transformation in Thailand's industrial structure. From a primary product producer exporter, Thailhas evolved into a major regional manufacturing force. Agriculture now accounts for less than 13 percent of economic activity while manufacturing contributes more than 26 percent. Structural transformation is most evident in the export sector. Manufactured exports have more than doubled from around 30 percent of total exports in 1980 to over 70 percent in 1990. Textiles have supplanted rice as Thailand's major export item the nation is now a major exporter of more sophisticated products such as hard disk drivers for computers, precision micro ball bearings, integrated circuits. The structural shifts of the Thai economy have been fueled in part by the extremely rapid growth of the economy in recent years. Following a steady 5.5 percent growth in real gross domestic product (GDP)from 1980 to 1986, the economy accelerated into double digit growth in 1988 with GDP increasing by 13.2 percent—the highest in East Asia. This was repeated in 1989 1990 with growth of 12.2 percent 10 percent respectively. The economy is expected to grow by 8-9 percent per annum in the 1990s. A key factor in Thailand's economic success in recent years has been the stable macroeconomic environment which has greatly facilitated private sector decision making. Macroeconomic imbalances which plague many industrializing countries have been contained in Thailand. Prudent monetary policy has led to stable prices although, as the economy entered its rapid growth phase in the late 1980s, inflation crept up to relatively high but still manageable levels of 5.4 percent in 1989 6.0 percent in 1990. Inflation is expected to reach about 6.0 percent again in 1991. Inflows of foreign capital technology transfer have also contributed significantly to the structural transformatin. From the end of 1986, Thailbecame a favorite location for foreign firms escaping from appreciating currencies escalating labor costs at home. Statements: 47.Rice is still Thailand's major export item now.( ) 48.Sophisticated goods are goods that are consumed by clever people.( ) 49.There have been large inflows of foreign capital technology transfer to Thailsince 1986, because foreign firms want to escape from appreciating currencies increasing labor costs at home.( ) 50.The stable macroeconomic environment has been one of the chief factors in Thailand's economic success in recent years. 51.Thailand's inflation rate in recent years has stayed at manageable level, which attributes to government monetary stimulus.
Coca-cola Pepsico don' t wage mere market share battles. They fight holy wars.
As a result,the visible trade surplus rose sharply from US $ 1.4 billion in 1981 to US $ 4.4 billin in 1982 US $ 3.7 billion in 1983. A.inport B.export C.excess D.saving
第一个强调出生顺序在人格形成中的作用的心理学家是( )
认为艺术产生的根本动力和原因在于人类的实践活动的是_____。( )