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Passage 1
     If European aren't bursting to give the single market a coming-out party, it may simply be that markets aren't the kinds of things people gush about, as EC commission president Jacaues Delors has often noted.  The fact that free movement of people— aspect of the market that will be most evident to the average person—is not yet a reality also plays a role.
     Another explanation is that many of the market's original 282 directives have already been implemented. 
     “By Jan. 1 we ill have passed 95 per cent of what we sought in 1986 to create the single market, much of the will already have been translated into national law,” says Perissich. “Adjustment to the market has been going on for years won't be expected overnight.”
 36.What does “EC” stfor what is the meaning of “gush about”?
 37.Paraphrase the underlined sentence.
 38.In addition to people, what else can be moved freely within the Single Market?

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