BYou start to introduce an old friend to someone, and suddenly you can’t remember that someone’s name even though you sense it is just there in your memory. Or you can’t quite bring back the name of a film you just saw. Such tip-of-the-tongue or TOT incidents happen to almost everyone, notes Deborah Burke, a scientist at Pomona College in Claremont, California.These lapses(失误) have noting to do with remembering the meaning of a word, but rather with its sound. “Often, the sound of a word is arbitrary (任意的) and senseless,” says Burke. This arbitrariness sometimes can make it difficult to bring back the word.The best way to prevent the problem is to use the name of a person or object as frequently as possible. “I tell people to do what salespeople often do-repeat people’s name several times just before you plan to see them,” says Liz Zelinski of the University of South California in Los Angeles.A TOT experience can seem worse when a similar-sounding(发音相似的),but incorrect, word comes into your head unexpectedly and stays there. Burke tells the story of a student who was trying to remember the name of a particular car. The student wanted the word Winnebago, but she could only come up with rutabaga. When this happens, think of something else, suggests Burke. “If you stop feeling worried about it, the correct word sooner or later will come to you.”
23.2 The Pilgrims spend their first winter____.
23.It was the tail end of the depression, and things were tough. Mum had a hard time raising us kids on her own in our small community of New Westminster, BC. My Dad had drowned in PittLake, five years earlier. Because Dad had no pension, or benefits, there was not much money so we went on relief. Christmas was approaching, and we were entitled to a twenty-five dollar Christmas fund for social services. The Inspector came to our house, and searched it from top to bottom to be sure we didn’t have any food hidden away. When he didn't find any, he issued the cheque for Mum. It was four days before Christmas, and Mum said that instead of buying food, she would use the money to pay back rent, assuring us all of a roof over our heads for a little while longer. She told us then there would be nothing for Christmas. Unknown to Mum, I had been selling Christmas trees, shoveling snow, and doing odd jobs to earn enough money to buy a new pair of boots. My mind was made up and I realized what I had to do. Across the street from the bus stop was a big grocery store called the Piggly Wiggley. Into the store I went, brimming with happiness and excitement. I realized that the twenty-five dollars I had worked so hard for went a long way for groceries. I bought a turkey, ham, oranges and all the Christmas treats. I spent every dime of my hard-earned money. I quietly unloaded the groceries on the porch and piled them against the door, then I knocked on the door. I could hardly wait to see my mother's face! When Mum opened the door, some of the groceries fell inside onto the floor, and she just stood there dumbfounded. Holding back the tears, I hollered, “Merry Christmas Mother!! There really is a Santa Claus!”(10分)23.1 What happened to my father?(2分)A. He deserted us five years ago.B. He left Pitt Lake five years ago.C. He left Pitt Lake five years ago.D. He divorced my mother five years ago.