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  • A材料题回答16-25题Friendly Rdations with the People Around  __①__You depend on all the people closely around to give you the warm feeling of belongingness that you must have to feet secure. But in fact, the members of all the groups to which you belong also depend on you to give that feeling to them. A person who shows that he wants everything for himself is bound to be a lonely wolf.  __②__The need for companionship is closely related to the need for asense of belongingness. How sad lonely your life would be if you had no one to share your feelings experiences. You may take it for granted that there always will be people around to talk to to do things with you for you. The important point, however, is that keeping emotionally healthy does not depend so much upon having people around you as upon your ability to establish relationships that are satisfying both to you to them.  __③__Suppose you are in a crowd watching a football game. You don't know them. When the game is over, you will all go your separate ways. But just for a while you had a feeling of companionship, of sharing the feelings of others who were cheering for the team you wanted to win.  __④__ An experience of this kind gives the clue to what companionship really is. It depends upon emotional ties of sympathy, understanding, trust, affection. Companions become friends when these ties are formed.  __⑤__When you are thrown in a new circle of acquaintances, you may not know with whom you will make friends, but you can be sure that you will be able to establish friendships if you show that you really like people.16.Paragraph ①____________ 查看材料A.Making friends with new acquaintances
  • BClose link between companionship belongingness
  • CEveryone needs the feeling of belongingness
  • DAn example of a satisfying relationship
  • EDifficulties in establishing friendships
  • FWhat companionship really is
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