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  • AAs they entered the 21st century, people could not help looking back to the past 20 years when they managed to cope with a new threat– the computer. By the year of 1980, computers had become a fact of life. They were, the magazine DISCOVER noted that December, “in cars, offices, schools homes, toys watches. In some airplanes, pilots need not handle the controls; they are‘flight managers’ who watch the computer manage the flight landing. On the way are voice-driven typewriters, robots that can ‘see’, hand-held computers that can over the contents of the Library of Congress.”But at the same time, observed the writer John Leo, a large number of Americans were “computerphobes” (电脑恐惧者) “techno-peasants”, who feared that computers were “designed to destroy privacy, eliminate jobs, carry the TV generation even further away from literacy, read few words on food boxes so that the grocer can cheat his customers more easily, allow World War III to be launched entirely by technical error.”Some executives especially hated computers, Leo reported. They worried that they would lose status – their assistants –if they were seen at keyboard. Publishers journalists, he continued, were frightened that the printed word would be eliminated. “True, the newspaper travels well–you can not put a computer under your arm while rushing for a train,” he wrote, “Not now, but a more advanced complicated portable version, about the size of a hand-held electronic game, may not be far off.”Today those same executives journalists who feared computers wouldn’t be found without having their portable computers on their laps. The widespread fear of computers seems a thing of the past–a shift that Leo correctly predicted.”Every one will accept computers,” he wrote, “because there is no alternative.”The magazine listed the uses of computers in the following fields EXCEPT __________.aeducationbtransportationcpublicationdmedicine
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