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[单选题]材料题 根据下面资料,回答48-50题
  • ATom Smith was a writer. He wrote detective (侦探)stories for magazines. One evening he could not find an end for a story. He sat with his typewriter in front of him, but he had no ideas. So he de-cided to go to the cinema. When he came back, he found that he had had a visitor. Someone had broken into his house. The man had had a drink, smoked several of Tom′s cigarettes--had read his story. The visitor left Tom a note: l have read your story I don′t think much of it.Please read my suggestions then you can finish it.By the way,,am a burglar(人屋盗窃者).I am not going to steal anything tonight.But if you become a successful writer,I will return! Tom read the burglar′s suggestions.Then he sat down wrote the rest of the story.He is still not a successful writer,he is waiting for his burglar to return.Before he goes out in the evening,he always leaves a half-finished story near his typewriter. Tom went to the cinema because __________. 查看材料A.he hoped to get ideas
  • Bhe wanted to meet a visitor
  • Che was feeling lazy
  • Dhe had finished a story
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