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[单选题]计算机字长取决于( )的总线宽度。
Using extrapositionTo see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property puffing away furtively defiantly on their cigarettes makes a disappointing view.
反映企业资金所实现的利润,标志企业资金的经营效果的利润指标是( )
科珀等学者对该模型进行了修正,根据政府在议程建立中所起的不同作用(即直接提出或何接提出政策伺题)以及创始者扩散问题的程度和方向,提出的种模型是( )
4.Fifty volunteers were alphabetically divided into two equal groups, Group A to participate in a 7 week exercise program, and Group B to avoid deliberate exercise of any sort during those 7 weeks. On the day before the exercise program began, all 50 men participated in a step-test. This consisted of stepping up and down on a 16-inch bench at 30 steps a minute for 5 minutes. One minute after completion of the step-test, the pulse rate of each subject was taken had recorded. This served as the pretest for the experiment. For the next 7 weeks, subjects in the experimental group (Group A) rode an Exercycle (a motor-driven bicycle-type exercise machine) for 15 minutes each day. The exercise schedule called for riders to ride relaxed during the first day's ride, merely holding on to the handle bars and foot pedals as the machine moved. Then, for the next 3 days, they rode relaxed for 50 seconds of each minute, and pushed, pulled, and pedaled actively for 10 seconds of each minute. The ratio of active riding was increased every few days, so that by the third week it was half of each minute, and by the seventh week the riders were performing 15 solid minutes of active riding.At the end of the 7 weeks, the step-test was again given to both groups of subjects, and their pulses were taken. The post-exercise pulse rates of subjects in the experimental group were found to have decreased an average of 30 heart beats per minute, with the lowest decrease 28 and the highest decrease 46. The pulse rates of subjects in the control group remained the same or changed no more than 4 beats, with an average difference between the initial and final tests of zero.(5分)4.1How many people were in each group?____(1分)A. 100.B. 50.C. 25. D. 15.
划分固定资本和流动资本的根据是( )