最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
A. like B. in C. as D. near
Passage Four “Fingers were made before forks” when a person gives up good manners, puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food, someone is likely to repeat that saying. The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, but for centuries no one thought of eating with it. Not until the eleventh century, when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to Italy, did the custom reach Europe. By the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in Italy. The English explanation was that Italians were averse to eating food touched with fingers, “Seeing all men‘s fingers are not alike clean.” English travellers kept their friends in stitches while describing this ridiculous Italian custom. Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be sissies, and women who used them were called show-offs and overnice. Not until the late 1600‘s did using a fork become a common custom.
Passage Three Doctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damagc or loss. The noise can be the sound ofa jet aiphne or machines in factories or loud music or other common sounds at home and at work. A person only needs to hear the noise for a litle more than onc scond to be alected. An American scientist has found that using aspirin (阿斯匹林) can incrcease the temporary (暂时的) hearing loss or damage from loud noise. He did an experiment, using a number of male students at a university who all had normal hearing. He gave them different amounts of aspirin for different periods of time, and then he tested their bearing ability. He found that the students who were given four gams of aspirin a day for two days suffered much geater temporary bearing loss than those who did not use aspirin. The hearing loss was about two times as great.The scientist said millions of people in the United States use much larger amounts of aspinn than were used in the study. He sid these pcople face a serious danger of sufring hearing loss from loud noise.
Distance can help us rediscover ourselves,___weare able to meet eachother in a new way.
14. A.tries to cover B.manages to cover C.fails to cover D.succeeds in
Passage Three When you stretch out in the sun you can do one of the three things: you can use no sun tan oil, an ordinary sun tan oil; or Bergasol. If you don't use any sun tan oil when you're in the sun, you will burn surprisingly quickly. If you use an ordinary sun tan oil, you will protect your skin to a lesser or greater degree.How much protection depends on the "protection-factor number" on the bottle. Some oils block out so many of the sun's rays and you can stay in the sun all day without burning but you won't go very brown,either. Bergasol will protect your skin like an ordinary sun tan oil. It also has a tan accelerator that speeds up the rate at which the sun activates the skin cells that produce melanin(黑色素). It is melanin that gives the skin its brown colour. Bergasol enables you to go brown faster,am as the days pass the difference will become more obvious.Unfortunately, this special formulation isn't Cheap to prepare.So Bergasol is rather more expensive than ordinary sun tan oil. However, the price looks more attractive as you do. Bergasoi It makes you go brown faster Protection Many people imagine that "cover-up" means you don't get a tan. Nothing to show for your holiday. Not so. With "cover-up", you can get brown if you want to. The point of "cover-up" is to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun which, according to the experts ,make your skin look older. That's what Solex Cover-up is all about--protection for your skin. It has a Sun Protection Factor 8, which makes it suitable for anyone. Find out how it works for you by consulting the Solex Sun Chart. On sale wherever Solex is. With Solex Cover-up, you can tan as slowly as you like. As gently as you like. And with much less chance of peeling. Your tan will look better. Your skin will stay young longer. Solex Gentle tan.., full protection
2.2 The writer think teachers should NOT (2分)
Everyone can come to this school, _________of class, race or sex.(regard)
Do you use _____ (electric) for cooking?
Many a student ______ something about Abraham Lincoln.
21.Many household accidents could have been prevented, but accidents seem to make news headlines every day. While accidents can happen anytime or anywhere, parents with young children can prevent accidents at home by taking a few steps. First, set your water heater correctly: To avoid burns from hot water, make sure your water heater’s temperature is set below 120° Fahrenheit, or set to “low”. Anything above that temperature can cause a child serious burns within seconds. Second, beware of candles: Statistics show that the small candle flames cause approximately 15,000 home fires a year. If you have young children and pets, stop using candles or be sure to blow them out before leaving a room. Third, recognize danger signals: It is important to pay attention to signs of danger from electrical appliances. If the wiring in your home does not function normally, you need to update it. Potential warning signs that might require an electrician’s inspection include wavering(摇晃的)TV pictures or computer screens, flickering(闪烁的)lights and shocks from appliances. It is impossible to prevent all accidents, so it is necessary to create a fire escape plan. In addition to having a smoke alarm on every floor of your home, draw a simple floor plan of your home. On it, mark two exits from every room, including windows and an outside family assembly point, such as a drive way or parking lot.(10分)21.1 The possible target readers of this passage are ______.(2分)A. grandparentsB. parentsC. grandparents with young childrenD. parents with small kids参考答案:D
下列不易引起心悸的病证是( )。
经复议的案件,复议机关决定维持原具体行政行为的,原告向人民法院提交的行政起诉状中,应将( )列为被告。