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23.In the early 1600's, a group known as the Separatists lived in England. They were people who wanted to worship God, study the Bible pray, but the English laws did not allow them to worship as they desired. They were hunted down, beaten, locked up. 

  • AEventually, they heard about freedom of religion in Holland, planned to escape. After much hardship, they were allowed to leave England.
  • BNow called Pilgrims, they lived in Hollfor 12 years, but left because they couldn't stthe hard life, couldn't work their own trades. They wanted to find a Kingdom of God for their posterity (后代) to practice religion freely. So they hired the Speedwell the Mayflower to carry them across the Atlantic to a new lin America.
  • CThe Speedwell had many leaks had to turn back. The Mayflower took in their passengers, making a total of over 100. They sailed two months three days, cramped hungry.
  • DOn November 11, 1620, the Mayflower spotted land. They landed in Province town, Massachusetts. For over a month, they sent men to find the perfect place for them to build their colony. When they finally found a place, they called it Plymouth.
  • ERight away they started building homes, knowing winter was near.
  • FUnfortunately, a violent storm hit when the houses were not yet finished. The Pilgrims were forced to stay on the cramped (狭窄的) Mayflower for their first winter in the new world. When this winter was over, over half of them had died.
  • GThe Pilgrims eventually made a good friend who helped them. His name was Squanto. He showed them where fish swam, how to hunt deer, how to plant corn.
  • HSquanto was a Native American who was kidnapped (绑架) earlier in his life taken to England. This is why he was able to communicate with the Pilgrims.
  • IWith the help of the Native Americans, there was plenty for everyone to eat that first summer, also plenty to last for the next winter.
  • JThe Pilgrims had so much to be thankful for. They gave thanks for good friends, new homes, freedom of religion, plenty of food in a three-day celebration with their Native American friends.
  • K    Today we continue the celebration of the Pilgrims the Native Americans, call it Thanksgiving.
  • L
  • M23.1  The Separatists left Englin pursuit of____.
  • N A. wealth
  • O B. adventure
  • P C. an easier life
  • Q D. religious freedom
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