最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
最强大脑 · 3天挑战极限记...
24.Early in my travels, I had noticed these“new things” under the sun, and since they occur in increasing numbers all over the nation, it is interesting to observe them. From the beginning of my travels I had noticed the sale lots where they were sold and traded, but then I began to be aware of the parks where they sit down in uneasy permanence.By talking to the managers of the parks and to the dwellers in this new kind of housing, I got to know that these trailers are wonderfully built homes. Some of them are even forty feet long and they have two to five rooms, and are complete with air-conditioners, toilets, baths, and televisions. The parks where they sit are equipped with every facility. When a mobile home is drawn to the trailer park (活动住屋的停车场),water and electric power will be connected and the television antenna raised, and then the family settle down.The park men charge a small ground rent plus fees for water and electricity. Telephones are connected in nearly all of them simply by plugging in a jack (插座). Sometimes the park has a general store for supplies, if there are no supermarkets nearby. Parking difficulties in the towns have caused these trailers to move to the open country where they don’t have to pay town taxes. The fact that these homes can be moved does not mean that they do move. Sometimes their owners stay for years in one place. It is a totally new and appealing way of life to me. These homes are never cheap and often are quite expensive with all the thousand appliances we live by—dishwashers, automatic clothes washers and driers, refrigerators.(10分)24.1 The author noticed the “ new things” (Para.1)when .(2分)A. he worked in the countryB. he traveled on a sunny dayC. he traveled around the countryD. he tried to talk to manager in the park
37. According to the Dietary Supplements Health Education Act, herbs____.
4. A. for the sake of B. lest C. in case of D. for fear of
1.3 Which of the following might not be the question of the experiment mentioned in paragraph three?(1分)
Over the past decades, sea ice _____ in the Arctic as a result of global warming.(1分)
Although people may refer to the internet for the latest news, it is unlikely that the internet______the newspaper completely.(1分)
The minister said, "we are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we'll never _____ with criminals."(1分)
3.In 1637 the French philosopher-mathematician Rene Descartes predicted that it would never be possible to make a machine that thinks as humans do. In 1950, the British mathematician and computer pioneer Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions, if the computer were successful; the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers.Inspired by Turing's theory, the first conference on AI convened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1956. Soon afterwards an AI laboratory was started at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, two of the nation's leading AI proponents. McCarthy also invented the AI computer language, Lisp; but by the early 1990s AI itself had not been achieved. However, logic programs called expert systems allow computers to "make, decisions" by interpreting data and selecting from among alternatives. Technicians can run programs used in complex medical diagnosis, language translation, mineral exploration, and even computer design.Machinery can outperform humans physically. So, too, can computers outperform mental functions in limited areas--notably in the speed of mathematical calculations. For example, the fastest computers developed are able to perform roughly 10 billion calculations per second. But making more powerful computers will probably not be the way to create a machine capable of passing the Turing test. Computer programs operate according to set procedures, or logic steps, called algorithms (算法). In addition, most computers do serial processing: operations of recognition and computation are performed one at a time. The brain works in a manner called parallel processing, performing operations simultaneously. To achieve simulated (模拟) parallel processing, some supercomputers have been made with multiple processors to follow several algorithms at the same time.Critics of this approach insist that solving a computation does not indicate understanding, something a person who solved a problem would have. Human reasoning is not based solely on rules of logic. It involves perception, awareness, emotional preferences, values, evaluating experience, the ability to generalize and weigh options, and more. Some proponents of A1 have, therefore, suggested that computers should be patterned after the human brain, which essentially consists of a network of nerve cells.By the early 1990s, the closest approximation to AI was a special silicon chip built to behave like a human brain cell. It was modeled after the internal workings of neurons in the human cerebral context. Unlike the conventional silicon ship, which works in digital mode, the new silicon chip works in analog mode, much the way a human brain cell works.(5分)3.1 According to Turing, a computer can prove to have human-like intelligence in a special test if____(1分)A. the computer gives better answersB. the questioner fails to give identical questionsC. the questioner can't tell between the answers of a person and a computer D. The questioner can't find the person hidden by the computer
22. Urban growth, also known as urbanization (城市化),sped up dramatically with the coming of industrialization some 200 years ago. At that time, large numbers of people moved to cities in search of jobs, mostly in factories. But the most rapid growth has taken place over the past 50 years. While less than one-third of the world’s population lived in cities in 1950, about two thirds of humanity is expected to live in urban areas by 2030.Urban is defined as “that which is characteristic of a city.” But what exactly is a city? In the past, walls may have defined a city. But today’s city boundaries are often unclear. Are suburbs parts of cities? Depending on the boundaries used, Tokyo can have a population of anywhere between 8 and 40 million people.Cities make a lot of sense for humans. People are concentrated in a small space rather than being spread out over a large territory. This allows the government and others to provide more service such as water, electricity, and transportation to a larger number of people. Schools and shops are more easily accessible than in rural areas.Cities have always been at the center of economic growth and technological advances. The promise of jobs and prosperity pulls people to cities. But their rapid growth has also brought with it many negative things: violence, poverty, overcrowding, health problems, and pollution. Many cities in developing countries in particular are growing too rapidly for their own good, with many residents unable to find jobs and forced to live in slums.(10分)22.1 About years ago, people left for cities to find .(2分)A. foodB. clothesC. jobs D. factories
______ your step, or you might fall off the cliff.(1分)
中共中央决定同国民党军进行战略决战的前提条件包括( )
我国《草原法》规定,在他人使用的草原上从事开采作业活动的,除应报政府草原行政主管部门批准外,还应当事先征得( )